10 Common Weeds in Tennessee

Summer in Tennessee means warmer weather, bugs, and the age-old fight against weeds. From crabgrass to nutsedge, dozens of uninvited guests appear in our yard. That's why we have compiled a list of the most common weeds Tennessee in our flower beds and turfs, including:
Clover is a common lawn weed in Tennessee. It has small, three-lobed leaves and white or pink flowers. Clover reproduces from seed and has a deep root system that makes it difficult to control. Clover is tolerant of shady conditions and poor soil quality.
Crabgrass is an annual grassy weed that commonly invades lawns in the spring and summer. It has a prostrate growth habit with long, slender leaves that are green to purple in color. The stems of crabgrass can grow up to 2 feet long and produce small flowers that are white, yellow, or pink in color. Crabgrass is most commonly found in sunny areas of lawns that have compacted soil.
Dallisgrass is a common lawn weed in Tennessee. It has long, narrow leaves and small, white flowers. Dallisgrass reproduces from seed and has a deep taproot that makes it difficult to control. Dallisgrass is tolerant of shady conditions and poor soil quality.
Dandelion is a common weed that invades lawns in early spring. It has a rosette growth habit with deeply lobed leaves that are green to yellowish-green in color. The stems of dandelions are hollow and can grow up to 18 inches tall. They produce bright yellow flowers that turn into white, fluffy seed heads. Dandelions are most commonly found in sunny areas of lawns and gardens.
Goosegrass is a common weed that invades lawns in early spring. It has a prostrate growth habit and forms dense mats of foliage. The leaves of goosegrass are green to yellow-green in color and have a hairy surface. The stems of goosegrass are reddish in color and can grow up to 12 inches long. They produce small, white flowers that turn into seed heads. Goosegrass is most commonly found in shady areas of lawns and gardens.
Oxalis is a common weed that invades lawns and gardens in early spring. It has a prostrate growth habit and forms dense mats of foliage. The leaves of oxalis are green to yellow-green in color and have a clover-like shape. The stems of oxalis are reddish in color and can grow up to 12 inches long. They produce small, white flowers that turn into seed heads. Oxalis is most commonly found in sunny areas of lawns and gardens.
Nutsedge is a perennial grass-like weed that invades lawns throughout the United States. It has a light green color and grows in clumps with triangular-shaped leaves. Nutsedge produces small yellow or brown flowers and triangular-shaped nuts that grow in clusters. This weed is difficult to control because it can reproduce from fragments of the root system. Nutsedge is most commonly found in wet or poorly drained areas of lawns.
Purslane is a common weed that invades lawns and gardens in early summer. It has a prostrate growth habit and forms dense mats of foliage. The leaves are thick and fleshy with a smooth surface. They are typically green, but some varieties can have yellow or red leaves. Purslane produces small yellow flowers that bloom throughout the summer. This weed is tolerant of poor soil conditions and can reproduce from seed or stem fragments.
Ragweed is a common weed that invades lawns, gardens, and agricultural fields. It can grow to be up to 6 feet tall and has a hairy, green stem. The leaves are alternate, oblong-shaped, and have toothed margins. Ragweed produces small green flowers that bloom in the summer. The pollen from these flowers is a major cause of hay fever and other allergies. This weed is tolerant of poor soil conditions and can reproduce from seed.
Wild Violets
They have heart-shaped leaves and purple or blue flowers. Wild violets can reproduce from seed, stem fragments, or rhizomes (underground stems). This weed is tolerant of shady conditions and poor soil quality. Wild violets can be controlled with pre-emergent herbicides, but once they are established, they are difficult to control.
Hire Bed Weed Control Services
Are your flower beds sporting more than colorful blooms? Don’t let broadleaf weeds encroach on your turf! The experts at 4-EverGreen Lawn Care are here to help! Our bed weed control program consists of 4–6 timely applications to keep your garden weed-free all season long. We use both pre-emergent and post-emergent products to combat pesky weeds before and after they germinate. If you’d like to learn more or schedule an appointment, give us a call!